Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The robots are taking over and I love it!

So you've seen the pictures of those crazy robot vaccums and thought "must be nice to be the ultra-rich and be able to afford such fancy schmancy technological advances," right? Well if you didn't, it's okay. Not many people say the wrds "fancy schmancy," let alone think of them. Truth is, the iRobot Roombas are a lot more affordable than you might think. The basic vaccums have come down in price as they've added newer ones to the mix.

We have a Roomba Red, and we didn't buy it, we got it free with a Home Depot promotion when you had them install new carpet (we were going todshop around on installers and then I saw that beautiful RED, RED Roomba an my husband couldn't talk me out of it!). It's one of the basic models, but for what it does, I'm crazy about it. I just turn it on and walk away (if I can, it's hypnotizing to watch - and if you press any button on your TV remote while it's on, it changes direction heehee!) and when it's done, the carpet looks nice and fluffy. I still need to give it a good regular vacuum every now and then, but in between it maintains the wear of the floor well and I have to do it less. I like less:)

So when we found out his elderly grandmother was having trouble vacuuming her house, he popped on ebay and got one for around $100 shipped to her place and she adored it. Heck, we even found a deal on their new Scooba and bought it because all our floors here are tile, but right after we bought it we got a housekeeper and now we're moving, so we'll have to get a new place to make good use of it:)

Check out ebay and see how doggone cheap they can be. You don't need all the fancy doodads like extra virtual walls or docking stations, and if you do decide you want them later, you can get bargains on them on ebay as well.

Hey, if robots are going to be infiltrating our world, at least we can be the masters for a little while!

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